About Mark Vinci

Mark Vinci

951-545-3130 mvinci@pfbpartners.com

Mark Vinci

  • When I learned about Private Family Banking, I realized we were never taught how to properly apply life insurance. As a licensed agent for decades I, too, was fooled by the central bankers’ insurance propaganda of “buy term and invest the difference” so their corporate monopolies could maximize term premium revenues and then manipulate the value of our money we invested in their stock market casino and other schemes.
  • I‘ve been around the insurance business all my life as my father was an insurance agent. I had a license to trade securities but did not renew it when I deployed overseas with the Army. However, I always maintained my insurance license helping friends and family as needed.
  • For over 30 years I have taught crime prevention helping people avoid violence. I have empowered thousands of people how to physically protect themselves and avoid crimes. Now I am energized and honored to empower others to use life insurance to keep their earnings.
  • I look forward to helping you build your family’s private independent banking platform.